Monthly Archives: July 2015

SCV Camp 458 Meeting Tonight, July 23rd!

SCV Camp 458 Meeting Tonight (July 23rd) at 7pm! Special elections meeting. We will also be having a Q&A time, where we discuss how to defend the Confederate Cause. We need to arm ourselves with facts and pride in our ancestors. If you would like to attend, please message me and I’ll give you the location of the meeting.

Thank You,
Erik Ernst
SCV Pacific NW Division


22 July 2015

The Sons of Confederate Veterans has lost a brave and articulate friend and America has lost an independent voice for racial reconciliation and understanding. Anthony Hervey of Oxford, Mississippi was a warrior for his beliefs and those beliefs were rooted in a passionate and unequivocal understanding that he was a proud Son of the South.

His death, on Sunday, July 19th, appears to be because of the way he lived his life. Mr. Hervey and a companion, Arlene Barnum of Enid, Oklahoma were returning from a Confederate Flag celebration in Birmingham, Alabama when his car was forced off the road near Oxford by a carload of men who apparently were chasing him down. The Ford Explorer he was driving skidded and then rolled over several times, killing Hervey and injuring Ms. Barnum.

We of the Sons are outraged by this murderous act, and expect all law enforcement agencies to vigorously pursue a full investigation and to bring justice for Anthony Hervey and his family. We have called for the United States Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division to enter the investigation, for it is clear that he was killed because of his opinions and his race. Mr. Hervey was an African-American, as was his passenger, Ms. Barnum. Anthony Hervey’s outspoken
support of Confederate Heritage appears to have played a part in this incident.

Hervey was well known as an unapologetic defender of the Confederacy and its symbols. He often appeared on television and radio stating his opinions and debating with any and all. He was the author of “Why I Wave the Confederate Flag: Written by a Black Man.”

We ask that every member pray for justice, understanding, and especially for the family of Mr. Hervey as they endure his passing. We also asked prayers for the brave Arlene Barnum as she heals from the attack. Both she and Mr. Hervey had family members who fought for the Confederacy.

Members also are encouraged to donate to to help offset funeral expenses.

We will never forget this brave warrior who fought for the healing of the South and helped to build a bridge to brotherhood. For he was indeed our brother.

Charles Kelly Barrow
Commander in Chief
Sons of Confederate Veterans


Commander in Chief Kelly Barrow of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has requested that Attorney General Loretta Lynch direct the Civil Rights Division of the United States Justice Department to launch an investigation into the
suspicious death of Mississippi political activist Anthony Hervey.

Hervey, 49, of Oxford, Mississippi was killed when the automobile he was driving was forced off of Highway 47 north of Oxford on Sunday morning, July 19th. A passenger who survived the crash reported that their car had been forced off the road by a pursuing car.

Arlene Barnum told authorities that she and Hervey were returning from a Confederate Flag rally in Alabama when the incident occurred.  According to Barnum, a silver car with several African/American males chased their Ford Explorer and forced it off the road, where it flipped several times.  Both Hervey and Ms. Barnum are also African/Americans.

Anthony Hervey was well known in the Oxford community for his outspoken views supporting Confederate history and heritage. He was the author of Why I Wave the Confederate Flag, Written by a Black Man: The End of Niggerism and the Welfare State

Commander Barrow praised Hervey’s independent thinking and his courage in supporting Confederate Heritage.

“We are deeply saddened by the death of a friend, and we ask that the Justice Department immediately join in this investigation. Mr. Hervey was likely killed because of his color and his beliefs.”

“We also call upon the President and leaders of the Democratic and Republican Parties, along with the NAACP, to condemn the illegal and widespread destruction and vandalism of Confederate symbols. Their support of this cultural cleansing has created a very divisive atmosphere in the South and by their silence they have created the impression that they support these hostile and destructive actions. This is not the road to brotherhood and understanding.”

Helena Montana Confederate Memorial Fountain under attack!

The following story is from Helena Montana’s newspaper, the Independent Record. I would urge all of our members to contact Helena Mayor James Smith and let him know you don’t want the Memorial removed or renamed. Here’s a link to his contact page

I am requesting that any SCV members, Friends of the SCV, or people who would like to join with us, get involved and rally around this monument. We cannot lose this battle. Send all emails to

-Commander Ernst


City to debate Confederate memorial’s fate

July 07, 2015 7:12 pm  • 

The future of a 98-year-old granite fountain built as a memorial to the Confederate soldiers who died in war may take shape Wednesday when Helena city commissioners meet.

The commission’s 4 p.m. administrative meeting on the third floor of the City-County Building comes in the wake of a commission discussion in late June about the fountain’s place in the community and a subsequent proposal by Commissioner Andres Haladay where he sought commission support to ask the City-County Parks Board to rededicate it.

This Confederate memorial in Hill Park was placed there in September 1916, the same year the park was created. It has been under the microscope since last month’s slaying of nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Dylann Roof, who was photographed with the Confederate flag, was indicted Tuesday by a grand jury, online news sources say, on nine counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder.

In a bid to defuse some of the opposition to the proposal to rename the fountain, Commissioner Katherine Haque-Hausrath responded to correspondence from Pam Attardo, the Helena/Lewis and Clark County historic preservation officer, to say the proposal by her and Haladay never including removing the fountain’s inscription or touching the fountain.

“I know that constituents and visitors to Helena have expressed concern to me about Helena having a Confederate memorial,” Haque-Hausrath wrote on July 7.

“Confederate symbols are being widely acknowledged to stand for racism and white supremacy. The fact that we have a Confederate memorial, combined with Montana’s unfortunate history of white supremacist groups, gives the inaccurate perception that our city is not open and welcoming.”

“We think our proposal will maintain the historical integrity of the fountain, honor all of the Civil War dead, while not having the government support a publicly owned Confederate symbol. As is being discussed across the country, we do not believe an explicitly Confederate memorial and its attendant support for slavery and more recent symbol for white supremacy and exclusion of minorities, is appropriate for our city,” her letter stated.

Haladay on Tuesday also wrote to the commission to suggest the fountain be rededicated as a Civil War Veterans Fountain and that city staff create language for plaques to address both the historical aspects and the commission’s decision to rededicate the monument to all veterans who chose to call Montana their home after the Civil War.

The historical aspects of the fountain that Haladay proposed to address are both the reconciliation and relations between the former enemies during the Civil War who came to Montana and the United Daughters of the Confederacy’s motivations for the monument.

Helena Mayor Jim Smith wrote the city commission to say he will be unable to attend the administrative meeting and that he would prefer that the elected city commission rather than a volunteer advisory board handle any renaming of the fountain.

He suggested in his July 6 letter that a commission resolution be prepared with an accompanying public hearing for the process.

The mayor said he also didn’t support renaming the fountain nor, as some have suggested, razing it, he added.

All traces of the Romanov dynasty and the czars were removed after the Russian Revolution, Smith stated.

The same thing happened in China during the Cultural Revolution, he continued, and that this is happening today in the Middle East and Central Asia where all traces of Buddhist and Hindu cultures are being destroyed.

He also noted that Helena’s Jefferson Elementary School, as well as Jackson Street and the Helena streets named after George Washington, are all named after prominent slave owners.

“Once this begins — with a fountain in Hill Park — where will it lead and where will it end?” the mayor asked in his letter that instead called for a community conversation about racism in America, Montana or Helena.

While Columbus Day, a federal holiday, will be observed Oct. 12, a suggestion has been made to proclaim it All People’s Day or Indigenous People’s Day in Helena and plan events around that, much like what is done for Martin Luther King Day each January, the mayor stated in his letter.

“I’ve been meaning to ask my fellow city commissioners about this idea for a while now,” Smith added.

Read the full article by clicking the link below

Spielberg’s Upside-Down History: The Myth of Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment

By Thomas DiLorenzo

November 30, 2012

by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Recently by Thomas DiLorenzo: Why the Totalitarians Among Us Love Lincoln

“Armies of scholars, meticulously investigating every aspect of [Lincoln’s] life, have failed to find a single act of racial bigotry on his part.”

~ Doris Kearns-Goodwin, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, p. 207.

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people . . . . I as much as any man am in favor of the superior position assigned to the white race.”

~ Abraham Lincoln, First Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Ottawa, Illinois, Sept. 18, 1858, in The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln vol.3, pp. 145-146.

Steven Spielberg’s new movie, Lincoln, is said to be based on several chapters of the book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns-Goodwin, who was a consultant to Spielberg. The main theme of the movie is how clever, manipulative, conniving, scheming, lying, and underhanded Lincoln supposedly was in using his “political skills” to get the Thirteenth Amendment that legally ended slavery through the U.S. House of Representatives in the last months of his life. This entire story is what Lerone Bennett, Jr. the longtime executive editor of Ebony magazine and author of Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream, calls a “pleasant fiction.” It never happened.

It never happened according to the foremost authority on Lincoln among mainstream Lincoln scholars, Harvard University Professor David H. Donald, the recipient of several Pulitzer prizes for his historical writings, including a biography of Lincoln. David Donald is the preeminent Lincoln scholar of our time who began writing award-winning books on the subject in the early 1960s. On page 545 of his magnus opus, Lincoln, Donald notes that Lincoln did discuss the Thirteenth Amendment with two members of Congress – James M. Ashley of Ohio and James S. Rollins of Missouri. But if he used “means of persuading congressmen to vote for the Thirteeth Amendment,” the theme of the Spielberg movie, “his actions are not recorded. Conclusions about the President’s role rested on gossip . . .”

Moreover, there is not a shred of evidence that even one Democratic member of Congress changed his vote on the Thirteenth Amendment (which had previously been defeated) because of Lincoln’s actions. Donald documents that Lincoln was told that some New Jersey Democrats could possibly be persuaded to vote for the amendment “if he could persuade [Senator] Charles Sumner to drop a bill to regulate the Camden & Amboy [New Jersey] Railroad, but he declined to intervene” (emphasis added). “One New Jersey Democrat,” writes David Donald, “well known as a lobbyist for the Camden & Amboy, who had voted against the amendment in July, did abstain in the final vote, but it cannot be proved that Lincoln influenced his change” (emphasis added). Thus, according to the foremost authority on Lincoln, there is no evidence at all that Lincoln influenced even a single vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, in complete contradiction of the writings of the confessed plagiarist Doris Kearns-Goodwin and Steven Spielberg’s movie (See my review of Goodwin’s book, entitled “A Plagiarist’s Contribution to Lincoln Idolatry”).

Lincoln’s First Thirteenth Amendment Gambit

There is no evidence that Lincoln provided any significant assistance in the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in the House of Representatives in 1865, but there is evidence of his effectiveness in getting an earlier Thirteenth Amendment through the House and the Senate in 1861. This proposed amendment was known as the “Corwin Amendment,” named after Ohio Republican Congressman Thomas Corwin. It had passed both the Republican-controlled House and the Republican-dominated U.S. Senate on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s inauguration, and was sent to the states for ratification by Lincoln himself.

The Corwin Amendment would have prohibited the federal government from ever interfering with Southern slavery. It read as follows:

“No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State,, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.”

“Person held to service” is how the Constitutional Convention referred to slaves, and “domestic institutions” referred to slavery. Lincoln announced to the world that he endorsed the Corwin Amendment in his first inaugural address:

“I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution — which amendment, however, I have not seen — has passed Congress to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service . . . . [H]olding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable” (emphasis added).

Believing that slavery was already constitutional, Lincoln had “no objection” to enshrining it explicitly in the text of the U.S. Constitution on the day that he took office. He then sent a letter to the governor of each state transmitting the approved amendment for what he hoped would be ratification and noting that his predecessor, President James Buchanan, had also endorsed it.

Lincoln played a much larger role in getting this first Thirteenth Amendment through Congress than merely endorsing it in his first inaugural address and in his letter to the governors. Even Doris Kearns-Goodwin knows this! On page 296 of Team of Rivals she explained how it was Lincoln who, after being elected but before the inauguration, instructed New York Senator William Seward, who would become his secretary of state, to get the amendment through the U.S. Senate. He also instructed Seward to get a federal law passed that would repeal the personal liberty laws in some of the Northern states that were used by those states to nullify the federal Fugitive Slave Act, which Lincoln strongly supported. (The Fugitive Slave Act forced Northerners to hunt down runaway slaves and return them to their owners).

As Goodwin writes: “He [Lincoln] instructed Seward to introduce these proposals in the Senate Committee of Thirteen without indicating they issued from Springfield [Illinois]. The first resolved that u2018the Constitution should never be altered so as to authorize Congress to abolish or interfere with slavery in the states.'” The second proposal was that “All state personal liberty laws in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law be repealed.”

So, go and see Spielberg’s Lincoln movie if you must, but keep in mind that it is just another left-wing Hollywood fantasy.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo [send him mail] is professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland and the author of The Real Lincoln; Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed To Know about Dishonest Abe, How Capitalism Saved America, and Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Archenemy Betrayed the American Revolution — And What It Means for America Today. His latest book is Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government.

Black Mississippi Flag Supporter Dies in Traffic Accident

A black Mississippi man who often dressed in Confederate regalia to support the state flag has died in a one-car accident.

The Highway Patrol says 49-year-old Anthony Hervey was killed Sunday when the 2005 Ford Explorer he was driving left the roadway and overturned on Mississippi Highway 6 in Lafayette County.

A passenger in Hervey’s car, Arlene Barnum, tells The Associated Press that Hervey swerved and crashed after another vehicle carrying four or five young black men pulled up alongside them, yelling and looking angry. Barnum said Hervey yelled something back at the other vehicle before losing control and crashing.

“It spun like crazy and we flipped, flipped, flipped. It was awful,” she said.

She said she gave that account to a Mississippi state trooper when she was taken to a hospital after the accident.

The Mississippi Highway Patrol did not immediately respond to an Associated Press query asking if officials are investigating Barnum’s account.

Mississippi Highway Patrol spokesman Johnny Poulos said Monday in a written statement that no other details of the accident will be available until accident reconstruction experts have had a chance to take a look at the evidence.

Barnum said she and Hervey had been returning home Sunday from Birmingham, Alabama, where they attended a Saturday rally to save the Linn Park Confederate Monument. City leaders there recently voted to remove the memorial from the park.

Barnum said they were in her SUV, which was not displaying any Confederate flags or stickers.

She said she had no idea whether they had been followed from Birmingham.

Hervey, of Oxford, has drawn attention over the years for opposing efforts to change the flag. He said he dressed in Rebel soldier garb to honor blacks who served with the Confederacy during the Civil War. He was often seen often wearing the Confederate uniform and waving a Rebel flag on the Oxford square.

In an interview with the Associated Press in 2001 after a new state flag design was defeated, Hervey said Mississippians’ support of the flag with a Confederate battle emblem in the corner is akin to “standing up for home.”

“This is not racism. This is my heritage,” Hervey said.

US House votes to ban Confederate Flags from National Cemeteries.

Compatriots and friends,

Tomorrow the U.S. House of Representatives will be voting on whether to permanently ban the Confederate Flag from all Federal cemeteries regardless if Confederate soldiers, sailors, marines or civilian are buried there or not.

I urgently request that you contact a US Representative today and tell them to vote no and ask for a written reply back.  Please use the links below to help with the phone numbers of your members of both the Senate and House.

Friends, time is of the essences so act now.

Deo Vindice!
Charles Kelly Barrow
Sons of Confederate Veterans

Deo Vindice!
Charles Kelly Barrow
Sons of Confederate Veterans

Jefferson Davis Park Rally June 2015!

On Saturday, June 27th, members from the Pacific NW Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Rallied to protect Jefferson Davis Park in Ridgefield Washington. Earlier that week there were threats to burn our Flags from multiple sources, including Willamette Week. So to ensure that the park did not fall victim to senseless vandals, we held an all day rally.
The quickly assembled Rally was a great success, with over 20 of our members and friends of SCV showing up, plus dozens of motorists stopping by to show their support for the cause.
People stopped by to buy flags, enjoy a burger and hotdog and play games under our portable awning. Commander Ernst showed guests the park and shared the history of how the park and makers came to be.
Several of our members were lined up next to Interstate 5 waiving different types of Confederate Flags. They are now known at the Pacific NW Division Flaggers. Our Flaggers were greeted by thousands of people honking and waiving in support of us. Of course, there were those who chose to flip us off, but it didn’t faze us, we just smiled and waved right back. For every 10 people who honked at us, 9 would wave and one would disrespect us. Needless to say, there are an enormous amount of people who are on our side.
We had one of our members and a soon to be member bring lawn mowers, so we were able to get the grass looking good again. Plus, we weeded the walkway and cleaned the markers.
It was well over 90 degrees out, but that didn’t stop our dedicated Confederates. Thank you to all who came to the Rally!
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