SCV Camp 458 Commander and Pacific NW Division Commander, respond to KATU news article.

Mr. Douglass,

It has come to our attention that you are somehow trying to tie our organization and our park, to the tragedy in Charleston. The SCV does not condone acts of violence against anyone because of their race, religious beliefs or national origins.  To imply in your report that we hold those beliefs because we fly the flags of the Confederacy is a great offense against our organization and our membership.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans and Jefferson Davis Park, are a 501c3 non-profit organization and we are not associated with any other groups or organizations. We are non-political and anti-Racist.
Established in 1896, the Sons of Confederate Veterans is the oldest Confederate Veterans Organization in the world. We are strictly a Veteran heritage organization, who’s mission is to honor and defend the Confederate Soldiers good name, defend our heritage and present the true history of the South to future generations.
We are deeply troubled and saddened by what happened in Charleston, South Carolina, and we offer our prayers and support for the families of the victims. This is yet another example of racial intolerance and hate by one twisted individual that sadly lead to such a horrific event.  The Sons of Confederate Veterans is against all forms of racial intolerance.
Jefferson Davis Park was established in 2007. The Park proudly displays both of the Jefferson Davis Highway 99 markers, which until 15 years ago, were located in Vancouver and Blaine, Washington. The Jefferson Davis Highway system stretched from east coast to west coast, and later headed north to the Canadian Border.
Our Park is in honor of Jefferson Davis and his significant role in forming the system of protective coastal forts in the Pacific Northwest as US Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce. We also honor him for his role as President of the Confederate States of America. We fly the National Flags of the Confederacy out of respect for President Davis and our Confederate ancestors.

Commander Erik Ernst
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Pacific NW Division

Commander Thomas Vincent
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Col. Isaac W. Smith Camp 458
Portland, OR.

2 thoughts on “SCV Camp 458 Commander and Pacific NW Division Commander, respond to KATU news article.

  1. Dave Gettman

    “When you fight a war and lose, it is customary to take your racist flag down and shut your damned mouth.”

    What a moronic statement. So, we took our racist flag down and shut our damn mouths when the VC ran us out of ‘Nam? Or was that Iraq? Oh wait, did we win that one? Maybe I’m thinking of Afghanistan? Nope, must have won that one also….flag’s still flyin’ and POTUS is still runnin’ his lips.


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